What is Mindful Creativity?

What is Mindful Creativity?


Throughout my entire life I've been called creative. Sometimes it's a hard label to live up to. There's a lot of pressure when people pose questions and you're expected to always come up with the most creative solution. Now don't get me wrong, I love nothing more than coming up with creative solutions to problems or projects, but I truly believe creative essence is part of our DNA, and available to everyone.

Some people are artists by profession, and some people create art as a hobbie. But what if it's possible that everyone and anyone is an artist? This sounds like a popular generalization but it's true. We all have creative energy, we were born from creation weren't we? Whether you're a line cook, a scientist, a politician or a cashier, we all have creative abilities at our fingertips, and in our soul.

But what about the healing aspect of creativity. Art Therapy has always been an interest of mine, and although I don't hold that professional title, I do a lot of research in this field. I find it fascinating that trauma can be ignited and brought forth to heal through artistic practices. Self-expression and exploration is such an important part of healing emotionally, physically and spiritually that it only makes sense that creativity is another aspect of deep and profound healing.

As a yoga instructor I guide people to a space where they begin their own path to healing. I use the word guide as that is exactly what people need, to be guided to find these spaces and places of healing within themselves. Over the past few years I've found that when I'm creating art I'm in the same healing space as when I'm practicing yoga: I feel a sense of peace, calm and healing through my body as if I'm meditating. For those who know me know that I'm coming up on 30 years as a Type 1 Diabetic and I also have Hypothyroidism and Celiac Disease. Wellness is very important to me, and my health is always my primary concern, next to my wild child 3 year old! Through meditation, yoga, mantras, diet and mindset I create an environment that is positive, healing and nourishing to not only my physical body but my soul.

I started to experiment more and more with what meditation, yoga and art and how they are all interconnected. From the artwork I was creating, and the healing modalities I was practicing, I began offering Creative Chakra Workshops at various yoga studios and spaces. From here however, I've found that connecting these practices of creative energies is far-reaching, and so I created Mindful Creativity: the exploration of self-expression with creative healing energies through meditation, movement and art.

If this inspires you, or intrigues your daily rituals or practices, or you're simply looking to unleash your inner artist, connect with me on Facebook, Mindful Creativity with Kate Carson, and join a community inspired by the exploration of wellness practices and art!